Marcel Hummel

Schedule your Healing Session

Tenerife. Islas Canarias. Spain.

Due to the large number of Photo healings that I have to do weekly, it is unfortunately no longer possible to receive people in my practice for 1 on 1 healing sessions.
Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to combine this so I have decided to close my practice indefinitely.
If this changes in the future, it will be noted here.
If you have any questions, you can of course always contact me in writing.


Tel: English – Deutsch – N.L
0034 645024625

Due to my busy work schedule it is very difficult to reach me by phone.
If you have any questions about healing, I prefer that you contact me in a written message via:
-Whatsapp: tel. no. 0034 645024625
-Facebook messenger: marcel Hummel Healer
I will then answer you as soon as possible.
Thank you.

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